Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Vox Populi?

OK, here's the deal:

While I'm still getting more than five hits a day to this site, one of the changes/additions I'm contemplating for the Shrine is a new area for the Analysis section titled, appropriately, "Vox Populi".

Basically, it'd be an (almost) open call for anyone who wants to share their thoughts about Vendetta. You'd submit your writings to me and I'd post them online. Now, there are several conditions to this:

1) Submission does not guarantee inclusion. I'm judge, jury, and webmaster so I reserve the right to decide whether I want to put something on it.

2) It would have to be about THE COMICBOOK. I'd be willing to allow comparisons between the comic and the movie, but as my site is primarily concerned with the comic--and since the analysis section has been focused on just that--I intended to keep that. Anybody who wants to write solely about the movie will have to look elsewhere.

3) Proper grammar, spelling, and essay format will be required. No haXX0r-speak or anything that you can't be bothered run through Microsoft Word's spellcheck function. (Like I don't do whenver I post to this blog, for example.) Essay format means a formal introduction, then your points supported with examples, then a conclusion. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for a New York Times editorial, but considering this would be for posterity (or at least until the Internet explodes), I want you to look your best.

4) Submissions should be 250 - 750 words. I'd be willing to consider longer analysis, but it A) better be damn good and B) better not be some manifesto in disguise. CRITICAL analysis is paramount, not hyperbole or rhetoric.

5) Don't reiterate what's already written. We all know Norsefire is a fascist government so there's really no need to launch into a three-page missive about how it has similarities to Nazi Germany. And we all know that V tortures Evey to show her "the truth", so there's no need to spend time on that either. What's in the Analysis section hardly covers all the ground, but it hits mosts of the basics. I don't see any point in having five or six other essays that say the same thing.

6) Beyond that, it's fair game. Criticisms are welcomed as much as kudos. If you find significant reasons to compare V for Vendetta to Yellow Submarine, send it in. (I may not print it, but I'd sure as hell would want to read it.) I get lots of responses to my Terrorism essay, so here's everyone's chance to rebuke or support, or take a new spin on it completely.

7) Did I mention I have final say in what gets posted and submission does not guarantee publication? Because I HAVE FINAL SAY IN WHAT GETS POSTED AND SUBMISSION DOES NOT GUARANTEE PUBLICATION NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU BEG, PLEAD, THREATEN, OR BRIBE. (Actually, on second thought, I'm open to all forms of bribery so you can try that one.) If you submission fails to meet the above criteria, it'll be automatically junked. But beyond that, everything will be read and considered. Bottom line: if you do submit, don't take it personally if I chose not to add it to my site. If it's well-written and well-thought, you can be certain of having an excellent shot of seeing it put up on my site.

So there you go. Something you'd be interested in? Post a comment yea or nay and let's see what I can do.

Oh and that movie review y'all been asking about? It's coming, I swear. Really. Would I lie?

I will write something. ;)

About the review, everybody knows that you didn´t like the movie. ;)

And let me ask you something, how did you felt about the V and Evey romance in the film???

C ya,
Good question John. Well, it was not necessary. At all! But tou know... Hollywood... ARGH!!!
I disagree, love is a necessary theme in the movie. Valarie's letter is all about love. But what do we mean by love? Love "is just a word, what matters is the connection the word implies". It's not necessarily romantic love, as in Valarie's letter, but a different type of social relationship, a perspective. You can't have "Freedom, Forever" without the connection implied by the word love.
let me clarify:

Valerie's letter is not about romantic love but a different type of social relationship/connection.
One more thing:

To return to the the Comic Blog, I have not read the comic book but would love to read others perspective on it. No doubt the Movie casts a different message, which I obviously am willing to discuss, but I am interested in learning about V's original message and when appropriate compare the two.
With all respect, the love, romance, whatever of V and Evey in the movie it was unnecessay for me. My view point of view...

I´m talking here about couples love (if you know what I mean). Not a like a love for I have for my parentes, friend & etc...
About the graphic novel, the principal message about the V For Vendetta that became clear to me the first time a read it: CONTROL.

In early 80´s it was about the way Moore felt about british oppression and the anarchism. Important things at that time. And I know those were two points that Moore rejected not in the film.

But today, the film made an important upgrade. Very important! And the message, at least for me, is still the same: CONTROL.

People who saw and liked or not the movie, should read the graphic novel! Because is so much more detailed and deeper. The movie is a complement for the graphic novel. As the graphic novel is a complement for: Faherenheit 451, 1984, Brave New World...

Felipe Boreli.
To bring it back to the Matrix for just a sec.

"Cookies need love like everything does."

Romantic love is very particular while the love portrayed by the Oracle is very general. Reconciling the particular and universal is a major them of both.
*major theme of both movies (matrix and V) but probably not the GN
Wait, Wait! Who is writing what? Hehehe...

[QUOTE]: "*major theme of both movies (matrix and V) but probably not the GN"

The love in the V movie (oh my...) is so stupid and unecessary. But at least, for me, it´s not the central thing of it didn´t destroy the film.

That mirror scene (ARGH)... :(
Hi I have some writtings, and I would like to know how to submmit. Thanks. Rebecca (

My e-mail is at the top of this blog, and listed throughout my site, but for the record it's:

I'm writing from Greece haven't seen the movie yet but I don't think it can visualise the heart of the comic.I would like to ask your opinion about some of my thoughts regarding the comic.In my opinion V is the destroyer and Evey is the Creator not a god-like creator of course.Thinking about the general principles of anarchism you must destroy before you create.Another point is that V starts his actions as a vendetta but turns out that his actions lead to overthrowing the goverment.Do you think that his primary plan was to overthrow the goverment or just was inevitable?
thank you!keep up the good work
First off, I want to say that the Shrine has been an invaluable resource for me since I became aware of the comic (yes, news of the film brought me to the comic, but I spent months reading the comic, even memorizing bits of it, before the film came out...)I often direct other fans there, particularly those who've only seen the film and want to know why I keep going on about changes from the book. :) And yes, I prefered the GN's music to the film's...even made my own CD based on the Shrine's track listing...though you DID forget V's citing of "You Always Hurt The Ones You Love." (He quotes it during his pirate broadcast...another thing the GN did slightly better.)

But I did love the film. My complaints wouold be on matters of nuance rather than generalities. I did initially bristle at the more overt love story in the film, but have always argued V and Evey did love one another...though being "in love" wasn't addressed in the GN some have read that into it. In the end it really isn't a romantic love story in either version. V falls in love with the IDEA of Evey, with the hope she brings to his ideology, a hope that there can be renewal after the government is brought down. Initially V only lives for destroying the government and specific enemies within it. Evey shows him that violence need not be the only means of change. The GN clarifies this a bit more, as V never really puts out a general call for revolution in that but only warns the people that they will soon be tested. Her refusal to kill, or allow V to kill on hr behalf, begins to change V just as V more dramatically changed her from a frightened girl to a woman of principal.

The film does muddy the waters a bit re the nature of their love, but it did so in a way that made sense to me. In the end it was their mutual love of an ideal that was important, or else V would have taken up Evey's offer to run away with him. But he realizes that she is more important to him as a hope for the future, a person who can carry out his ideals in a way V cannot, as someone who sees beyond revenge. There is a period where both seem confused and perhaps want a more conventional sort of love; Evey is the first person V has related to as a human being in ten years and he is a rescuer and teacher for her. It's understandable that they might develop feelings for one another. Ultimately V realizes this can never be, that as I said before, the idea Evey represents, of hope for the future, is more important than anything they might share as a man and a woman. Evey retains feelings for both the man and the idea of V, but has to accept that the man will always be elusive to her; in the end she has to carry on the idea, as he would have wanted. And it's fair to say her feelings about him were always confused, that she feared him as much as she loved him, that her plea to run away together was a desperate attempt to save his life rather than a well thought out invitation.

Re the Shrine Vox Populi idea, I tend to respond to others' comments more than I initiate my own, hence my preference for comment forums like this. But if posts there are allowed to respond to other ones, I'll probably join in. And I CAN'T comment on the film without bringing the GN into it. I love both but the film is much richer if one understands the GN going into it. The film simply doesn't have as much time to go into certain themes in depth; it touches on many areas of the GN but doesn't explain them. For example I've had to explain the use of Beethoven's Fifth and of why V had Bishop Lillman open his mouth during his murder (we only hear the audio in the film). I'm glad both motifs were in the film but, if anything, I wish the film had been longer.

I say yea.

Borali said: "People who saw and liked or not the movie, should read the graphic novel! Because is so much more detailed and deeper. The movie is a complement for the graphic novel. As the graphic novel is a complement for: Faherenheit 451, 1984, Brave New World..."

I'm a comic book and graphic novels apreciator. I admit I also read as many books as I can gr~et hold off, which would explain the lack of space in my humble maison.

I saw the movie last Tuesday and... It made me remember of my childhood time. The expectation, the thrill, the rush of blood in my veins when mu older cousin finally got out to work and I was left alone to play in big boys bedroom and, of course, make a little raid to his trunlk of comic books.

When I came across "V for Vendetta" I was around 7 years old. Needless to say I hadn't enough maturity to apreciate it truly. The movie felt like an electric shock that went right up to my head.

Yesterday, I went to my regular comic books shop and asked for the book. Made a matahon last night and read it. stayed up until 6 am, thinking.... My brains, boiling.

It's a bit of a quid pro quo, you see?
I cannot see the book without the movie now, because they are glued togeter, as twin brothers that resent each others presence.

It's very odd and very strange indeed.
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Just to let you all know that here in Brazil, the media attack has just begun. With people everywhere talking about it.

First of all, the critics are against the graphic novel and Alan Moore.
Against the graphic novel?!
Well, that's just absolutely preposterous...

Pish posh to them
That was said by the worst critic of Brazil in the principal political megazine: Veja.

Almost 70% of the population is guided by Veja and the TV channel: Globo. Both make part of a media group that wants to keep the concetration of power in the hands of few that control this country.
Veja é obviamente um cretino! LOL

You know, maybe the situation in Brasil is a bit tense right now, and this movie (because comic book based movies awake in the heart of its viewers a sudden urge to read the original book) will toss a fist full of salt into the bonfire.

Which can be good.
Or can be chaos.

Either ways it implies a change... :)

Lapsus linguae: I took Veja for a political, not for a political magazine. My humble appologies...

Veja é uma cretiniçe! :)
Here, nothing will change. Now, we have a president that was elected for being populist and what we got? Nothing...

Really... I do not know where we are going here in Brazil.

But we will see, next weekend...
In fact, we are already in chaos. We have a president that can´t speak correctly and his PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores) is corrupt.

My friend and I are counting on a Burger King commercial parodical of the scene in which Evey kisses V.

The similarities between the "King's" mask and V's are just too perfect to pass up.
Well Borelli, it seems that your government is just popping the hot potato around.

Since that Mensalão scandal, if I well remember...

have you seen this and if so is it fact or fiction?? may be an april fools joke.

With the Alan Moore graphic novel adaptation "V for Vendetta" having opened well and drawn far less fire from conservatives than expected, Warner Bros. Pictures has decided to move forward with plans for a sequel that takes even riskier steps reports Kayle Ross during the 'Drive Time Movies' segment on Atlanta's WQ8Q-FM.

With Moore having 'disavowed' the first film due to the changes made to his source work, he's apparently being enticed back to rewrite and polish the story for a sequel by assurances the studio will give him "carte blanche over the script" and "can go as dark and confrontational as he wishes". The result, which they expect to be too severe to pass the MPAA's muster, will be shot and released unrated on DVD with a truncated R-rated version hitting theatres a few months before.

The new film, currently existing as a treatment by the Wachoskis, follows Portman's character Evey travelling to the United States which has collapsed due to civil war. No loglines have yet been released though its been said Portman's character will essentially act as V did in this one, a mentor to others of why a little revolution now and then can be a good thing. The film's anatagonist will be an emerging new American government that will 'quite closely' resemble the current Bush administration.

No word yet on whether the Wachowskis, Director James McTiegue or star Natalie Portman will be back in their original capacities though talks are apparently underway and all have expressed interest. A title exists but is being kept secret for now, though a likely candidate has been found online.
Well, I hate to say it, but they might do it and it will be a success in the box offices.

After watching the movies again yesterday, I was left in a cul de sac: because the graphic novel is excellent (I knew Alan Moore's work before, from "League of Extraordinary Gentleman") but the movie somehow manages to give a real boday, voice and soul to V.

However, it is not 100% faithfull to the novel... Most of the people in my petite entourage were delighted with the movie. Until I unzipped my bag of tricks and produced the graphic novel in front of their eyes. I now have 3 very confuzed people and a friend who's infatuated by Hugo Weaving.


The world still has to turnd many tours....
Mad, brazilian people has no direction now. And we are on the election year...

About the sequel news, I do not believe.
I just hear a patchwork of facts and events that have taken place there in Brasil.

If I was more into the subject I would probably add some more opinions.

Lula's ascencion was a big change, but.... for better of for worst?

And you can call me Guida.
Much nicer... Even if I'm quite mad. *snigger*
Right, Guida. Hehehe...

Well, let me explain sometinhg. Here, we have 60% of the population in different levels of misery. And our beloved government spent 5 million dollars to send an astronaut to space.
Yes, of that I am aware.

And you are imigrating more and more these days, am I right? In my view, if your govenment doesn't balance the state of things, something not very pleasant might happen.

Perhaps next time they will consider the chance to send some ministers to space... :)
In 2006, or the people react... Or it will get worse...

See, the persons here are very relaxed. A word I do not know you have in english, but is: "acomodado".
Well, you have the English word "adjusted", but I'm pretty sure there's another that fits the translation much better.

On a side note, I'm Portuguese, therefore Engilsh is my secon language. Sou de Lisboa, cara! ;)

But you know, I think that Brasilians have a groovy way to see life: no matter how bad things are, you can always make it ok.

Unfortunately, I think that you'll be having a very unstable future.
Well, you have the English word "adjusted", but I'm pretty sure there's another that fits the translation much better.

On a side note, I'm Portuguese, therefore Engilsh is my secon language. Sou de Lisboa, cara! ;)

But you know, I think that Brasilians have a groovy way to see life: no matter how bad things are, you can always make it ok.

Unfortunately, I think that you'll be having a very unstable future.
((My appologies for the double post))

There is a link on the last few words of that article on a V sequel, the address is I suggest you take a look.
That´s right, Guida!
Beijos!!! ;)

As I said about the sequel, I did not believe. Hahaha!

Ps: I still wanted a longer film...
Were any of these rumors of a V for Vendetta sequel published on April 1, by any chance? :)
Hahahahaha! NEVER!
Yes Boreli, I too wanted a longer film, with a fistfull of corrections and a V that was a bit more vaudeviliant and had and allergy to corny aprons! LOL
I've read the GN years ago here in Italy, and then I've read it again and again until the book has broken...
I've seen the movie a couple of weeks ago, and I'm not satisfied at all.

Apart from the many details left off (music, books, quotations...), apart from the love story between V and Evey, etc. etc. I smelled the bad smell of censorship: why you cannot see HOW the bishop dies? Why ALL the speeches relating to anarchy have been cut off? I lack one of them in particular: when V states the diffence between anarchy and chaos...
I think that without those few words, the very sense of the story disappears. What a pity.


I love the GN too and do wish the film had elucidated V's political philosophy more clearly, but I hardly think the reason the references to anarchy were removed had anything to do with censorship. If the film were subject to censorship, wouldn't they first cut out the detonation of government buildings and murders of political leaders?

I think the screenwriters had to change the story somewhat to fit it into a two hour framework; I also think the critical bashing of the Matrix sequels, particularly on the grounds they were ponderous or pretentious philosophically, might have made the Wachowskis a bit gunshy about having V spend large sections of screentime expounding on the principals of anarchy. I wouldn't have minded seeing it, of course...most fans of the book who also loved the film have commented they wouldn't have minded it being a bit longer. But some critics are bashing what little bit of political theory remains in the film as boring and pretentious...yes, they're idiots but a lot of people go to films or avoid them due to the influence of critics. And V had to be sold as an action film rather than a political treatise or few people would have gone.

As things are the film has created a cult audience of its own that only sometimes overlaps with the book's fans. (GN fans seem to be split on the film but I and many others did enjoy it on its own terms). Almost all of the film's new fans are now seeking out the book. I think both versions of the story deserve respect. A slavish adaptation of the book would still truncated a lot of the story purely for time constraints and arguably weould have diminished its impact much more than the version that was made; I think the filmmakers took bold chances in updating the story and making it relevant to our times while still true to the spirit of the original.

The book is in no way diminished by the film; it's still readily available to anyone who wants it and is now being more widely read than it would have if the film had never been made. The two versions each have a distinct identity, and I think this is far the best.
Dear Michele,

How I understand the bitter sweet taste in one's mouth after watching the movie. ANd maybe it's a bit of a masochist feeling, but deep inside it pleased me.

You arte right, it did skipped many details. I missed V's dialogue with Lady Justice, for instance. And Prothero's personality was desfigured as if someone had crudely butchered a halloween pumpkin.

However, it satisfied me as a good eye candy, with an excellent cast and good effects.

Crowjane said: "I think the screenwriters had to change the story somewhat to fit it into a two hour framework(...)I think both versions of the story deserve respect.(...)I think the filmmakers took bold chances in updating the story and making it relevant to our times while still true to the spirit of the original.(...) The book is in no way diminished by the film"

I agree, and that's what I'm trying to explain to people. the book is the book, and the movie is the movie. We cannot possibly compare two different art forms.
Personally, I had not the pleasure to be comfortablly growing up with the original graphic novel -- it was not, of course, accessible even in Perestroika-era Soviet union, where my teen years passed in 80's:)). Still I enjoyed this movie very, very much. You might guess why: I could not be more glad there is such a intelectually mature, but at the same time pictorially rich and appealing image of resistance to totalitarianism. In fact, I felt like all my teen dreams of resisting everyday, ubiquitous, "low key" soviet oppression with clear, bold, conseqential actions are just emobdied in this V.

Now I will do my best to get the graphic novell itself and read it -- can't wait for it:)).

I bow my head --
I have to say I didn't like the movie, and that's on artistic and non-political grounds (you can read my critique of it).

Is the comic a good deal different from the movie? If so, I might be interested; otherwise, count me out. Please let me know the major differences and why somebody might prefer one over the other. Please post any responses as comments to the review on my site! Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge on this!
As an 'old' fan of the graphic novel and the movie, and noting you don't seem to have a guest book on your shrine(that I could find) I just wanted to say thank you, for putting up the shrine. :) Thank you.
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